Animals and birds

anemones in the Andaman Sea - acrylic
anemones in the Andaman Sea - acrylic
puffin with attitude - watercolor
puffin with attitude - watercolor
New Zealand albatross - acrylic
New Zealand albatross - acrylic
Monarch butterfly on coneflower - watercolor.   The original is now SOLD.   8x10 photograhic prints and cards are available.
Monarch butterfly on coneflower - watercolor. The original is now SOLD. 8x10 photograhic prints and cards are available.
Mother stork and chick - watercolor
Mother stork and chick - watercolor
whale of a time - watercolor
whale of a time - watercolor
Bella the grizzly - watercolor
Bella the grizzly - watercolor
Magnolia warbler (sold)
Magnolia warbler (sold)
Bu, the great horned owl in MT Raptor Conservation Center - watercolor
Bu, the great horned owl in MT Raptor Conservation Center - watercolor
Peacock butterfly - watercolor
Peacock butterfly - watercolor
Jabiru - acrylic on canvas - a bird of NW Australia
Jabiru - acrylic on canvas - a bird of NW Australia
Angry tiger - watercolor
Angry tiger - watercolor
Metalmark butterfly - watercolor
Metalmark butterfly - watercolor
Blue heron in flight - watercolor.
From a photo taken by visual storyteller and fantastic bird photographer Viktor Odnovyun of the Texas Birds and Butterflies Facebook group.
Blue heron in flight - watercolor. From a photo taken by visual storyteller and fantastic bird photographer Viktor Odnovyun of the Texas Birds and Butterflies Facebook group.
Roseate spoonbill
Roseate spoonbill
Pipevine swallowtail - acrylic on canvas - from photo by Shelly Morales
Pipevine swallowtail - acrylic on canvas - from photo by Shelly Morales
Peacock butterfly on sedum - acrylic on wood panel
Peacock butterfly on sedum - acrylic on wood panel
bald eagle - acrylic on canvas
bald eagle - acrylic on canvas
Monarch butterfly on hibiscus - watercolor
Monarch butterfly on hibiscus - watercolor
Borrowing owl after photo by Alice le Duc - acrylic on canvas 12"x12"
Borrowing owl after photo by Alice le Duc - acrylic on canvas 12"x12"
Great egret - acrylic 16" x 20" on board
after photo taken by Voctor Odnovyun
Great egret - acrylic 16" x 20" on board after photo taken by Voctor Odnovyun
Tri-colored heron after photo by Christopher Rice - looking towards a brighter New Year.    Acrylic on canvas 12"x12".
Tri-colored heron after photo by Christopher Rice - looking towards a brighter New Year. Acrylic on canvas 12"x12".
Buff bellied hummingbird after photo by Eddie N Ann.
Acrylic on 12"x12" canvas
Buff bellied hummingbird after photo by Eddie N Ann. Acrylic on 12"x12" canvas
Nashville warbler after photo by Alice Le Duc.   Acrylic on canvas 12"x12".
Nashville warbler after photo by Alice Le Duc. Acrylic on canvas 12"x12".
Red shouldered hawk after photo by Raymond W Carroll.    Acrylic on canvas 12"x12"
Red shouldered hawk after photo by Raymond W Carroll. Acrylic on canvas 12"x12"
Blue jay after photo by Eleazar Paredes.
Acrylic on canvas 12"x12".
Blue jay after photo by Eleazar Paredes. Acrylic on canvas 12"x12".
monarch chrysalis before butterfly emerges - watercolor
monarch chrysalis before butterfly emerges - watercolor
monarch butterfly flying away - watercolor
monarch butterfly flying away - watercolor
Mountain blue bird after photo by Brenda Bright Alvarez - acrylic on canvas 12"x12".
Mountain blue bird after photo by Brenda Bright Alvarez - acrylic on canvas 12"x12".
Bald eagle on branch after photo by Viktor Odnovyn - acrylic on canvas 12"x12".
Bald eagle on branch after photo by Viktor Odnovyn - acrylic on canvas 12"x12".
snowy owl ice dancing
snowy owl ice dancing


Barry Eigen

28.12.2016 16:02

What a great website, Penny. Congratulations!

Latest comments

05.09 | 17:45

I would be interested in this as card and monarch butterfly on hibiscus as card...or both photographic prints (4x6 or 5x7”)

15.09 | 01:39


23.08 | 10:57


12.08 | 00:17


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